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Govecs Schwalbe L3e

၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
Charge Time
၂၇၀ မိနစ်
၈ ကီလိုဝပ် (၁၀.၇ hP)
၂၃,၃၅၂,၁၂၀ K💱
🇩🇪 Germany တွင် ထုတ်လုပ်သည်
⭐ 🇲🇲 357 ➜-၁၇
eSchwalbe L3e
Battery Life
0 cycles
၈ ကီလိုဝပ် (၁၀.၇ hP)
၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
၂၅ km/h နှင့် ၄၅ km/h
Charge Time
၂၇၀ မိနစ်
၉၀ km/h

The Govecs Schwalbe L3e is an Electric Scooter from electric scooter manufacturer Govecs from Germany. Govecs is the leading electric scooter manufacturer in 🇪🇺 Europe. In 2020, the company was the fastest growing company in the whole automotive industry of Europe. The company was founded in Munich in 2009.

logo Schwalbe

The history of the Schwalbe is long, from the beginnings of the original Simson & Co. steelworks producing guns and gun barrels in 1856, to the production of bicycles in 1896 and cars in 1907, to the exile of the Jewish founding family in 1936 and the post-WWII reboot of the company in former East Germany (German Democratic Republic, or DDR) making mopeds, motorcycles, and scooters. In the mid-60s, the KR 51 Schwalbe two-stroke scooter went into production, and since then, the rugged scooter has become as recognizable in German cities as the famous Italian Vespa scooter.

The last original Schwalbe scooters left the factory in 1986 and in 2018 the premium German e-scooter brand Govecs brought the scooter back to life as a powerful electric scooter.

The scooter is available with two motor options: 4 kW (moped) and 8 kW (motorcycle).

Schwalbe L3e တွင် မြင့်မားဆုံး အမြန်နှုန်း ၉၀ km/h အတွက် Bosch မော်တာ ၈,၀၀၀ ဝပ် ပါရှိသည်။

The scooter has a ၄.၈ kWh Lithium battery with a range of ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ. Unlike the claims of some other scooter manufacturers, Govecs offers warranty on the range of the battery.

Besides a high natural torque provided by the powerful 8 kW motor, the scooter has a two step belt drive system that increases the acceleration speed.

The scooter has a digital dashboard, LED lighting and a built in 1200 watt charger.

The charge time of the battery is ၂၇၀ မိနစ်. After 1¾ hours, the battery will be charged for 50% for a range of ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ.

The quality of the scooter is very high. Govecs is a high end e-scooter manufacturer. The scooter has already won the most prestigious innovation and quality award the Plus X Award.

The scooter is available in 5 different colors and has many configuration options including two different braking systems and kick-stands.

The scooter can be ordered online on www.my-schwalbe.com.

⚙️ Online Configurator

Technical specifications (PDF)

2025 Govecs Models

Old Models

GO! T3.6 govecs go t3 6 ၃၀,၄၅၅,၉၀၃ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S3.6 govecs go 3 6 ၂၉,၄၁၀,၁၃၄ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.6 govecs go t2 6 ၂၄,၄၁၁,၀၈၈ K / ၁၂၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T3.4 govecs go t3 4 ၂၄,၀၁၈,၈၄၀ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
GO! S2.6 govecs go s2 6 ၂၃,၆၃၃,၅၆၄ K / ၁၂၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S3.4 govecs go s3 4 ၂၃,၃၄၁,၉၆၇ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.4 govecs go t2 4 ၂၀,၂၉၆,၀၃၈ K / ၁၀၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.5 govecs go t2 5 ၂၀,၀၀၄,၉၈၃ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.4 govecs go s2 4 ၁၉,၆၁၉,၁၆၅ K / ၁၀၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T1.5 govecs go t1 5 ၁၉,၄၈၆,၆၃၃ K / ၆၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.5 govecs go s2 5 ၁၉,၂၂၇,၄၅၉ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T3.4 govecs go t1 4 ၁၇,၉၂၆,၉၈၃ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.5 govecs go s1 5 2 ၁၇,၆၉၆,၈၄၆ K / ၆၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.4 govecs go s1 4 ၁၇,၂၅၀,၁၁၀ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.3 govecs go s1 3 ၁၅,၂၁၉,၄၉၀ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.2 govecs go s2 2 ၁၃,၅၂၇,၃၀၈ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T1.2 govecs go t1 2 ၁၃,၅၂၇,၃၀၈ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.2 govecs go s1 2 ၁၂,၁၇၃,၅၆၂ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
Govecs Govecs brand profile and 2025 model overview: 🛵 e-scooter.co/@/govecs/


GOVECS GmbH Grillparzerstraße 18Munich🇩🇪 Germany
Phone+49 89 411097713

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တီဗွဲကို ရွေးပါ

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⛽ ကားလုပ်ငန်း၏ ဟိုက်ဒရိုဂျင် လှည့်ဖြားမှုအကြောင်း ဖတ်ရှုပါ ကျန်းမာရေးဆိုင်ရာ အန္တရာယ်: ရေတစ်ခုသာ ထွက်ရှိသည်ဟူသော စကား မှားယွင်းပါသည်