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Translation in progress...

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Govecs GO! S3.4

၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
Charge Time
၂၄၀ မိနစ်
၇ ကီလိုဝပ် (၉.၄ hP)
၂၃,၃၄၁,၉၆၇ K💱
ပြန်လည်စုပ်ယူသော ဘရိတ်
🇩🇪 Germany တွင် ထုတ်လုပ်သည်
⭐ 🇲🇲 297 ➜-၈
GO! S3.4
Battery Life
0 cycles
၇ ကီလိုဝပ် (၉.၄ hP)
၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
၂၅ km/h နှင့် ၄၅ km/h
Charge Time
၂၄၀ မိနစ်

The GO! S3.4 is no longer in production.

The Govecs GO! S3.4 is an Electric Scooter from electric scooter manufacturer Govecs from Germany. Govecs is the leading electric scooter manufacturer in 🇪🇺 Europe. In 2020, the company was the fastest growing company in the whole automotive industry of Europe. The company was founded in Munich in 2009.

The S3.4 is powered by an advanced brushless high efficiency electric motor and has a low-maintenance belt drive. The electric scooter has an sophisticated drive train that ensures that the scooter produces almost no noise.

The specially designed steel tube frame ensures that the battery is centrally positioned, resulting in a very low center of gravity. The efficient, brushless electric motor and maintenance-free belt drive enable high efficiency. The low total weight of only 120 kg contributes to very good maneuverability and sportive handling that will also appeal to experienced motorcyclists. With a torque of ၁၁၄ Nm, the electric scooter has impressive acceleration speed from any speed.

The lithium-polymer battery provides a range of 70 kilometers, depending on the driving style. Charging can be done with any standard power outlet with the built-in charger. After two hours, the battery has 85% of its capacity.

The Govecs GO! S3.4 is provided with hydraulic disc brakes in front and rear.

The Govecs GO! S3.4 has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS). When braking, the electric motor acts as a dynamo and power is returned to the battery. This regenerative system saves energy and increases the range. Compared with the GO! S2.4 is the GO! S3.4 is also equipped with a side stand, high beam and license plate lighting.

Flyer 2013

2025 Govecs Models

Old Models

GO! T3.6 govecs go t3 6 ၃၀,၄၅၅,၉၀၃ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S3.6 govecs go 3 6 ၂၉,၄၁၀,၁၃၄ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.6 govecs go t2 6 ၂၄,၄၁၁,၀၈၈ K / ၁၂၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T3.4 govecs go t3 4 ၂၄,၀၁၈,၈၄၀ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
GO! S2.6 govecs go s2 6 ၂၃,၆၃၃,၅၆၄ K / ၁၂၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S3.4 govecs go s3 4 ၂၃,၃၄၁,၉၆၇ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.4 govecs go t2 4 ၂၀,၂၉၆,၀၃၈ K / ၁၀၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T2.5 govecs go t2 5 ၂၀,၀၀၄,၉၈၃ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.4 govecs go s2 4 ၁၉,၆၁၉,၁၆၅ K / ၁၀၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T1.5 govecs go t1 5 ၁၉,၄၈၆,၆၃၃ K / ၆၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.5 govecs go s2 5 ၁၉,၂၂၇,၄၅၉ K / ၉၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T3.4 govecs go t1 4 ၁၇,၉၂၆,၉၈၃ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.5 govecs go s1 5 2 ၁၇,၆၉၆,၈၄၆ K / ၆၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.4 govecs go s1 4 ၁၇,၂၅၀,၁၁၀ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.3 govecs go s1 3 ၁၅,၂၁၉,၄၉၀ K / ၅၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S2.2 govecs go s2 2 ၁၃,၅၂၇,၃၀၈ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! T1.2 govecs go t1 2 ၁၃,၅၂၇,၃၀၈ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ GO! S1.2 govecs go s1 2 ၁၂,၁၇၃,၅၆၂ K / ၇၀ ကီလိုမီတာ
Govecs Govecs brand profile and 2025 model overview: 🛵 e-scooter.co/@/govecs/


GOVECS GmbH Grillparzerstraße 18Munich🇩🇪 Germany
Phone+49 89 411097713

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တီဗွဲကို ရွေးပါ

ခလုတ်ကိုသုံး၍ ကြိုက်နှစ်သက်သည့် ဖိုင်တာကို ဖန်တီးပါ။
⭐ မြန်မာ တွင် ရှာဖွေမှု လူသိမြင်သာမှု အပေါ်မူတည်၍ စီဆင်းထားသည်။

⛽ ကားလုပ်ငန်း၏ ဟိုက်ဒရိုဂျင် လှည့်ဖြားမှုအကြောင်း ဖတ်ရှုပါ ကျန်းမာရေးဆိုင်ရာ အန္တရာယ်: ရေတစ်ခုသာ ထွက်ရှိသည်ဟူသော စကား မှားယွင်းပါသည်